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What is happening to our oilseed rape (OSR) crop in the UK?
Why vigour and early establishment of oilseed rape is key | OSR Grower Emma Fletcher | Hinkley, UK
Why oilseed rape is a vital part of our rotation | OSR Grower Robert Fleming | Berwick, UK
How has Mark Ireland improved his oilseed rape establishment?
Oilseed rape and the impact of Phoma in the UK
The demise of Canola / Rape Seed in the UK
why we are now struggling to grow oilseed rape
Autumn vigour in OSR
Why we grow hybrid and conventional OSR in the same field | OSR Grower Andrew Melton | Wisbech, UK
Oilseed Rape Breeding at KWS
What’s attacking oilseed rape?
What makes Aurelia the best sold OSR hybrid in the marketplace? | Winter Oilseed Rape